It has been forever since I last posted. I have so many novels started I really need to just pick one and work on it until it is finished. Life has been crazy with this whole COVID stuff. It's hard to stay motivated to work on things but I'm trying. This November I plan on participating in NaNoWriMo and get at least one book done. However I haven't decided on which book I will work on. With homeschooling (check my other blog for updates on that) and daily life chores I've found it hard to find "me" time, but I think I have a better handle on my time now so I can get back to it. Self-care and self-love have become a thing for me so that's helping with motivation.
Anyways, this pandemic has re-sparked some old ideas so hopefully I'll be back on later this week with an update on my current writing project. Any name ideas for a green witch?
That is all I have for now, stay safe!